Category Archives: Political Action
Souls to the Polls Sunday & Fish Fry!
Prince William Candidates’ Forum
Local Area Candidate and State Forums
The Prince William NAACP and our 2023 Prince William Candidate Forum Coalition will host local area candidate and State forums at various locations. Our Coalition is an alliance of nonpartisan organizations who believe in civic engagement and having an informed, enthusiastic and engaged electorate. Our aim is to foster meaningful and constructive discussion on the issues that matter most to our community.
There will be three (3) Forums with specific locations to come.
SAVE THE DATES! Please share with your lists!

How to join a virginia state board or commission

Are you interested in serving on one of Virginia Commonwealth’s boards and commissions?
Then join the Prince William NAACP webinar meeting on 16March at 7:30pm to learn about the application and selection process.
At the top of the meeting, we will be joined by a staff member from the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s Office, Shawn Soares, Special Assistant for Board Appointments. He will also highlight several boards for which they are currently seeking candidates.
See the attached information page. We look forward to seeing you.
Please Click the Link Below to join the meeting on March 16 at 7:30 pm!
—GoToMeeting procedure follows—
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 908-249-909
PWC Racial and Social Justice Commission March Meeting

Prince William Community Leaders,
The following is quoted from Crystal Athan, Administrative Specialist at the PWC Racial and Social Justice Commission:
Good afternoon, please see the attached flyer for the next Racial and Social Justice Commission meeting on March 18th. Feel free to share with the community, friends and family. The Racial and Social Justice Commission will meet the 3rd Thursday of every month at 6:30 pm at the James J. McCoart Administration Building. We will provide a link for virtual attendance very soon, check the website for the most up to date information:
Prince William County to Host Route 28 Bypass Project Virtual Meeting on Thursday, Feb. 18

PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, VA – Prince William County invites you to attend a virtual information session regarding the Route 28 Bypass project on Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.
Click here to view the details of this project and to register to attend the virtual meeting.
Virginia NAACP Rapid-Response Criminal Justice Town Hall
Please note that although the Town Hall Zoom Session addressed in the link below has already occurred, the link provides important information on the Criminal Justice Reform agenda of the NAACP. Click here to view this important information.
Join PW and VSC NAACP for our 2018 Lobby Day on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at the Virginia General Assembly
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Legislative Forum on January 6th 2018
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The chair of our Political Action Committee requests your attention to the following:
Click here to see a copy of a message from State Senator McPike inviting the public to a Pre-Session General Assembly Public Hearing on January 6th. This Legislative Forum will happen this weekend, This is your opportunity to talk directly to all of your Legislators and let them know what bills/issues you would like to see them support when they get to Richmond. They are all expected to be there. Their legislative sessions start on January 10th. If you want to address the state delegation at the January 6th forum, please click this link to sign up. We hope to see you there.