Please join Senator Tim Kaine for a Black History Month Meet and Greet

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SenatorKaineAs announced in this flyer, you are invited to join Senator Tim Kaine at a Meet & Greet with African American Leaders on Friday, February 12th, 2016 to celebrate Black History Month.  The event will be held  at 3:00pm  at the First AME Church of Manassas in the Community Room 10313 S Grant Ave., Manassas, VA 20110.  Please RSVP to Joe Montano at 703-361-3192


Hear ye! Hear ye! Virginia Senate and House of Delegates Page Programs

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va CapitalAttention Prince William County Students.  Both the Virginia Senate and Virginia House of Delegates have Page programs open to qualified students. Full details for the Senate Program can be found in this flyer and for the House of Delegates’ Program in this flyer.  You will find full particulars on eligibility, application process, websites and telephone numbers for further information should you be interested. Good luck!

Dar al Noor Islamic Center Awareness Seminar

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The Dar al Noor Islamic Center cordially invites members of the community to attend a free and open public seminar on Saturday, February 13, from 11:00 am to 1:30 pm,  entitled “Not in the Name of Islam”.  This awareness Seminar allows the public to learn about Islam and Muslims, have questions answered and enjoy a delicious lunch of Mediterranean cuisine!  Click here for a flyer describing the event and RSVP information.


Alpha Kappa Alpha’s 22nd Gospel-Fest

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pintocalendarAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, Omicron Chi Omega Chapter is sponsoriing  their 22nd Gospel-Fest on March 12, 2016 at 4:00 p.m.  The location is Hylton Memorial Chapel, 14640 Potomac Mills Road, Woodbridge, Va.22192. The featured Special Guest is Vickie Winans.  The theme for this year’s event is “Celebrating Our Faith — Honoring Our Men.” Click here for the complete message from the Sorority. The ticket cost is $50.  If you choose to attend or support you may purchase it at

Future Kings – Black History Gala

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kingsFuture Kings is holding its 2nd Annual Gala on the 20th of February at the Hylton Center for the Performing Arts. Click here for a flyer describing this event. Future Kings is a game changer mentoring program, training young men to participate high growth sectors of the economy and providing role models of economic independence. Their Gala is an essential funding raising tool for their 2 week summer camp activity, which is also sponsored by George Mason University and open to both young men and women. We not only want to inform you of these event, but to encourage your attendance. We hope to see you there.

President asks you to Get Involved – Let your voice be heard!!!

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They need to hear your voice and know your concerns. Who? The General Assembly of VA. The Virginia General Assembly is in session right now and considering several bills that would have a significant impact on our game changer agenda. From Economic Sustainability to Education, from Criminal Justice to Political Representation- this General Assembly has legislation before it that can move forward or push back our pursuit for equality. Therefore, we need you to get involved and take some time to let your voice be heard. Please find attached the legislative agenda of the VSC of the NAACP, which was developed in collaboration of a number of other advocacy organizations- such as National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Baptist General Convention, and the UFCW Local 400. Review this list and then e-mail, call, and go to Richmond to talk with your delegates and senators about these bills.
On the 26th of January (next Tuesday), the VSC of the NAACP will host its Legislation Day. The purpose of this event is for the NAACP to mass on the General Assembly to engage our elected officials concerning our legislative agenda. We would like to have at least 20 members of the unit to attend and represent the PWC NAACP.

Beyond the events on the 26th, we would like to have three members a week to go to Richmond and talk with the legislators on these issues. More information will be forthcoming to identify persons that will go and let our voice be heard.


Karl F Brower

January General Membership Meeting Information

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The January General Membership Meeting will be held on the 19th of January from 7:30-9:00 PM. You can attend the meetings at First AME of Manassas at 10313 S. Grant Ave. or use the GoToMeeting information below.  Click here for this  month’s meeting agenda. The focus of this meeting will be on Community Coordination. An objective for 2016 is to bring together our partner organizations and develop a comprehensive advocacy agenda for the next 3, 5, and 10 years. Members of the PWC NAACP are the strongest advocates for our activities within our partner organizations, so come to the meeting to find out how you can engage with various organizations to promote our agenda.

The information below can be used to participate in the monthly PWC General Membership meeting using our GoToMeeting service. You will be able to listen to the meeting and see the presentation. Your microphones will be muted, so you will not be able to contribute to the conversation by talking. However, we will have someone monitoring the meeting chat channel, so you will be able to submit questions and comments. We will respond to those questions and comments and include some of them in our discussion. This information is the same for all future General membership meetings.

—GoToMeeting invitation begins—

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.

United States: +1 (408) 650-3123

Access Code: 908-249-909

King Day of Action at the Virginia State Capitol Monday, January 18, 2016 beginning at 8:00am.

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fbprofileThere are many events planned around the celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. We strongly encourage you to participate in these events. Of particular importance is the King Day of Action, which is being coordinated by Brown Virginia and conducted in collaboration with the Virginia State Conference (VSC) of the NAACP. This is a day of engagement and advocacy with our General Assembly around a legislative agenda to bring about equality and social justice. We desire to have at least 10 members of the PWC NAACP to participate in this event.Please see the attached flyer for more information. Within the next week we will provide a copy of the legislative agenda being developed by the VSC NAACP.

In addition to meeting with your individual legislator(s) we have confirmed the following presenters to speak & take questions from the group throughout the day:

Governor Terry McAuliffe
Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam
Sen. Ryan McDougle (Republican Caucus Chair)
Sec. Brian Moran (Public Safety & Homeland Security)
Sec. Anne Holton (Education)
Sec. Nancy Rodriguez (Administration)
Hon. Tracy Jeter (Dir. Small Business and Supplier Diversity)


If you plan to attend, please click here to RSVP. When you RSVP, note that you belong to the PWC NAACP. We will use that information to coordinate car pools for the trip for those that are interested in sharing a ride.