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The January General Membership Meeting will be held on the 19th of January from 7:30-9:00 PM. You can attend the meetings at First AME of Manassas at 10313 S. Grant Ave. or use the GoToMeeting information below. Click here for this month’s meeting agenda. The focus of this meeting will be on Community Coordination. An objective for 2016 is to bring together our partner organizations and develop a comprehensive advocacy agenda for the next 3, 5, and 10 years. Members of the PWC NAACP are the strongest advocates for our activities within our partner organizations, so come to the meeting to find out how you can engage with various organizations to promote our agenda.
The information below can be used to participate in the monthly PWC General Membership meeting using our GoToMeeting service. You will be able to listen to the meeting and see the presentation. Your microphones will be muted, so you will not be able to contribute to the conversation by talking. However, we will have someone monitoring the meeting chat channel, so you will be able to submit questions and comments. We will respond to those questions and comments and include some of them in our discussion. This information is the same for all future General membership meetings.
—GoToMeeting invitation begins—
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (408) 650-3123
Access Code: 908-249-909