2017 Lobby Day – Thanks From the Organizers

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The organizers of the 2017  Virginia State Conference NAACP and the PWNAACP Chapter annual General Assembly Lobby Day in Richmond on January 17 expressed appreciation for those who participated!

The accompanying image is of some of the folk who attended the 4:00PM Press Conference following the event.  More than half  of the attendees had left before this image was taken.

A related item is the  Bus Trip scheduled to depart on February 17 for the NAACP National Board of Directors Meeting in New York City.  We will have a bus leaving from Northern Virginia if we get enough riders. Please call 703.368.4541 for further information and/or to indicate your interest.  Click here for a flyer with further description of the trip.  (Note that two copies of the information is contained on each flyer so it can be cut in two and passed to two interested persons).

Governor McAuliffe Announces Renovated Office Building on Capitol Square to Be Named after Civil Rights Pioneer Barbara Johns

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On January 13, 2017, Virginia  Governor Terry McAuliffe announced that the newly renovated state building located at 202 N. 9th Street on Capitol Square in Richmond (currently known as the 9th Street Office Building) will bear the name of civil rights pioneer Barbara Johns. The building, which reopened last year, houses the Virginia Attorney General’s Office.

Speaking at Virginia Union University’s 39th Annual Community Leaders Breakfast, honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Governor McAuliffe said, “When we name our state buildings after people from our history, we make a statement that the work done within those buildings will advance their legacy.

“I cannot think of a better person to inspire the men and women who fight for justice and equality in the Office of the Attorney General than Barbara Johns. When Barbara stood up for equal access to education as a plaintiff in the case of Brown v. Board of Education, she helped changed the history of our nation for the better and inspired a new generation of civil rights leaders. I am honored to announce that her name will be placed on this beautiful building as a lasting reminder of the enormous impact one person can have when they stand up fearlessly for what is right”.

To read the news release, click here.


The People’s Ball

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Anthony Davis, ‎Administrative Coordinator, Youth and College Division, NAACP transmitted this email message to NAACP units.

The message announced  “The People’s Inaugural Ball”.  Please pass the information on to your family, friends and neighbors.

You can join the event by clicking the following link:

Virginia State Conference NAACP and the PWNAACP Chapter annual General Assembly Lobby Day

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The Chair of our Political Action Committee requests that you join the Virginia State Conference NAACP and the PWNAACP Chapter for their annual General Assembly Lobby Day on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at the  Virginia General Assembly.

Click here for a more detailed description of the event, including links for additional information and to allow you to submit your RSVP.

We  look forward to your participation.

PWNAACP Officer’s Installation Ceremony

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You are cordially invited to the Prince William County Unit of the NAACP Officer’s Installation Ceremony to be held on January 17, 2017 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM at the First Baptist Church of Manassas Historic Sanctuary.  The Church is located at 9258 Center Street in Manassas Virginia.  Click here for a printable flyer containing details about this event.

You are requested to please RSVP  to Jasmine Jones by January 14, 2017.

The theme of the installation is “Strengthening Unity within the Community”.

A reception will follow the Installation Ceremony.

Still fighting for LIBERTY

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Parties wanting to tear down two historic homes owned by former slave George Lomax, located on Liberty St in Manassas  Virginia will appear before the Architectural Review Board this evening, 13 DEC at 7:30pm. If you can join us in the meeting, please come. Hope to see you there at City of Manassas City Hall, 9027 Center St., 2nd Floor conference Room Manassas, VA 20110.

Unit Election Results

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electionWe are pleased to announce the results of our 2016 election for the Unit Officers and Executive Committee Members for 2017-2018. The elected officers are Cozy Bailey- President; EJ Scott- 1st Vice President; Keith Smith- 2nd Vice President; Emily Proctor- Treasurer; and William Stackhouse – Assistant Treasurer.  For the Executive Committee the following were nominated and elected: Andrea Bailey, Alice Davis, Marvella Johnson, Ardine Marie, Don Scoggins, and John Steinbach.  These officers and Executive Committee members will be sworn in on January the 17th at our General Membership meeting. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this meeting.


Prince William Candidate Roundtable

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forum2The Prince William Unit of the NAACP is hosting a Candidate  Roundtable on Wednesday, October 26th,  at 7:00pm at First AME Church 10313 South Grant Ave.  Manassas, VA 20110.

There are many issues facing the African American community: criminal justice reform, economic sustainability, voter suppression and many more.  Where do the candidates stand?  Come to the PW NAACP Candidate Roundtable and find out. The Roundtable will focus on identifying the economic challenges and opportunities of the African American community in the County, Manassas City and Manassas Park.  Economic Sustainability is listed as the first item in the NAACP 21st Century Game Changers which can be viewed by clicking here.  We are inviting all Candidates representing our area: Congressional District Candidates from the 1st ,10th and 11th; and local candidates in Manassas City and Manassas Park.

Feel free to submit any questions you may have for the Candidates. You may do this by visiting our Facebook event and accessing the survey questionnaire referenced there, or go directly to the survey by clicking here.

Thank you for your assistance in promoting this roundtable and sending it to your contacts.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Please pass this information to all organizations that you are involved in and your friends and family.


Unit Election Update

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electionThe PW NAACP unit will hold its bi-annual election on November 15th. The nomination process closed on October 17th so that the unit secretary could validate all nominations.

You must be a member in good standing as of October 16th to vote in the unit elections on November 15th.

Who leads the local NAACP is important. Not just the president, but the vice presidents, the secretary, the treasurer, and the members of the Executive Committee. The leadership sets the unit agenda and engages partner organizations so that the PW NAACP can more effectively accomplish its mission.

In addition to the elected officials noted above, there are appointed leadership positions on the Executive Committee and appointed Chairpersons of our various Committees.  (Review the list of Committees by clicking here.) It would be great if more of our members with vast leadership experience would consider joining the leadership team of the PW NAACP to help us move forward.