Unit President to speak at the Board of County Supervisors Meeting

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Click here to view a resolution developed by Prince William County Board of County Supervisors (BOCS) member, Frank Principi.  Note that it is a 4 part resolution; the 1st part asks the BOCS to denounce Alt-Right, Neo-Nazi’s and white supremacists.  The other 3 deal with renaming the portion of route 1 that runs through Prince William County, and renaming a firehouse building and a high school currently bearing the name “Stonewall Jackson.”

The resolution will be considered during Supervisor’s Time at the BOCS meeting on October 3rd. Citizen speakers, of course, are allowed 3 minutes during Citizen’s Time.  President Bailey will be speaking during that time voicing his support for the resolution and primarily addressing the first part.

President Bailey asks that all who are able to attend to please do so.  While the meetings are called to order at 7:30 pm, he suggests earlier arrival as a large number of citizens are expected to attend.  Please share this news with your personal/professional networks.



Virginia House District Candidate Forum

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The Prince William NAACP, the League of Women Voters of the Prince William Area, and the Prince William Committee of 100 in association with Area 15 NAACP Chapters, are collaborating to present a free candidate forum featuring candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates in select northern Virginia House Districts.  The forum will be held on Friday, October 6 at George M. Hampton Middle School at 7pm. The public is invited to register online and attend.

Click here to view a press release containing full details and how you can participate.

Click here to access a printable flyer to share with family and friends.


Virginia Gubernatorial Forum Invitation

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Please note the following announcement from the Virginia State Conference.

“You are cordially invited to attend the 2017 Statewide NAACP Virginia Gubernatorial Forum which will be held on Thursday, September 7th at Virginia Union University in historic Coburn Chapel from 6:00PM to 9:00PM. 

This first ever event has been jointly formed by Area Four NAACP Leaders, NAACP Political Action, Criminal Justice and Religious Affairs Committee leaders, various statewide NAACP members and many other community-based leaders from all across Virginia.

As a non-partisan organization, we invited the Virginia Gubernatorial candidates of the two leading political parties. Both candidates have confirmed their attendance and their staffs are now preparing final details for involvement in the Forum. The Forum’s format will allow candid dialog about very important issues and particularly about the concerns of African-American families, voters, leaders, organizations and many other citizens in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The event is open to the public. So all are well-informed, please help by passing this info on to others via e-mail and your social media networks.

Due to high levels of interest in the event, all are encouraged to arrive very early to ensure entry. 

We hope you make plans now to attend this historic and very important event.

For more info, contact us at 1-804-410-4567 or NAACPVAGOVForum@gmail.com




Letter to Units Re Colin Kaepernick Rally

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The Interim President and CEO of the National Office of the NAACP disseminated a message to all NAACP State/State-Area Conference & Unit Presidents. In the message he stated that on Wednesday, August 23rd, the NAACP Youth & College Division will participate in the “United We Stand” rally to call attention to the injustice that has plagued NFL player, Colin Kaepernick, since he spoke out against the mistreatment of minorities in this country. You are requested to read the  full message by click ing here.


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Prince William County, VA – The Prince William Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (PWNAACP) released the following statement condemning the rally uniting Alt-Right and White Supremacy groups and the statements of the Chairman of the Prince William Board of Supervisors.

NAACP’s Statements on Charlottesville

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The national office of the NAACP provided statements on the recent events in Charlottesville, VA and asked for further distribution by NAACP Units.  Click here to read the transmittal email which contained the following documents as part of the complete statements: